Virta Ltd. has successfully completed the demanding SOC 2 Type 2 Examination Audit. The certificate shows that Virta has in place externally validated controls and processes involved in storing, handling and transmitting data securely.
Virta Ltd. has successfully completed a Service Organizations Controls (SOC) 2 Type 2 Examination Audit and is now certified. Virta is reportedly the first platform for electric vehicle charging in the world to complete this demanding external auditing.
SOC 2 is an internationally recognized auditing standard developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). SOC 2 are examination engagements performed by an external service auditor that thoroughly examine all the controls and processes involved in storing, handling and transmitting data securely.
Information security is a major concern for any organization and a top priority for Virta. Achieving SOC 2 Type 2 certification for Security and Availability reinforces Virta’s commitment to maintain the most stringent controls for protecting and securing customer information.
Security requires 360-degrees thinking
SOC 2 compliance isn’t a requirement for EV charging platforms but its importance in securing customers’data is growing. For security-conscious businesses, SOC 2 compliance is a minimal requirement when considering an EV charging service provider.
In addition to the peace of mind, the certification helps Virta’s customers to save time and resources by making agreement procedures standardized.
All Virta’s activities aim for reliable, robust and secure services. Ensuring security is a never-ending process. Virta’s ISO-certification is another example of this. Virta is an ISO27001-certified EV charging platform. ISO27001 is an internationally recognised information security standard that ensures that strict security controls are in place to protect customer data and the operation of products and services is secure.
What is SOC 2
SOC 2 defines criteria for managing customer data based on five “trust service principles”—security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality and privacy. SOC 2 reports are unique to each organization. In line with specific business practices, each designs its own controls to comply with one or more of the trust principles. SOC 2 certification is issued by outside auditors. They assess the extent to which a vendor complies with one or more of the five trust principles based on the systems and processes in place.
Learn more about Security at Virta
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