Company information
Company’s official name: Liikennevirta Oy
Company register number: 2588986-2
VATIN FI25889862
Invoicing information
E-invoicing operator ID: 003708599126
E-invoicing operator name: Opentext Oy
E-invoicing address: 003725889862
Other materials than invoices should not be sent to the scanning address.
All invoices must also include the official address of the company due to VAT reasons. The official address of the company is:
Liikennevirta Oy
Energiakuja 3
00180 Helsinki
Email invoicing address
Other materials than invoices should not be sent to the scanning address.
All invoices must also include the official address of the company due to VAT reasons. The official address of the company is:
Liikennevirta Oy
Energiakuja 3
00180 Helsinki
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