Charge everywhere – Charging points outside of cities

1 min read
May 21, 2018 9:30:00 AM
Last updated on Jul 4, 2024 1:38:15 PM

In the beginning of the decade, fast food and coffee chains tried to attract customers by offering free WiFi as an extra service. Fast-forward a few years: free WiFi is everywhere. We predict a similar fate for EV charging.

To charge an EV takes more time than fueling up a car with old-school petrol, so you can't just offer the charging service - the drivers need something to do - like golfing!

Archipelagia Golf Club in Parainen


The Archipelagia Golf Club in Parainen, south-west of Finland, offers charging for their customers. A golf club is in many ways a perfect place to charge an EV: most golfers get to the club by car and spend several hours at a time on the golf course. By offering a charging service, you can attract customers from both near and far, making the trip possible for EV drivers as well. When an EV driver is traveling around Finland, the availability of charging stations can affect the plan for the day, or even the whole route.

Last year, the number of EV's in Finland grew twofold compared to the year before, and hundreds of new all-electric cars were registered. The drivers of these EV's do not only charge their car by the charging points: they use the time to golf, for example, or to eat, or maybe even spend the night at a nearby hotel. By offering charging points, you can show that you are leading the way into the future, and be one of the first to offer something that will soon be a must-have, just like WiFi.